
Better Homes And Gardens Episodes July 2021

Married At First Sight 8-26

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The final dates. The remaining couples have one more chance to spend time together before separating to consider their future. First Broadcast: Tue, Apr 6, 2021

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Her dog dude. Did you even pay attention? Lmao how do you miss that

Did they not air an episode on Monday ?

There was no episode on Sunday because of Easter Sunday. Monday and Tuesday's Episodes are here.

Bryce is such a d!ck- How are the shows producers allowing his lies to just carry on. He needs calling out NOW!!!

First, I know they are Bryce's friends, but to not tell Melissa what they know when Bryce brought it up in the first place is unfair to her. If he was dating before the show, so what–it's what he's done during their time together that matters and she deserves to know if it's still going on. Second, I hope Bec doesn't come back.


7 April 2021 8:44 pm

I too hope bec does not return.
Run as fast as you can Jake , she is her mother's child


6 April 2021 8:52 pm

What a Total manipulative cockwomble Bryce is. He's such a Gaslighter it makes me repulsed!!! Vile human, poor Melissa although I do wish she'd grow some balls and woman up!

Hope we get an update about Oscar the dog….also I hope Bec does not return. She is a Grade-A bitch.

Mark DeSio USA

7 April 2021 1:03 am

The gift was true. Bryce lied about that!


7 April 2021 8:50 pm

Yes Bryce lied, but maybe she is more serious than he is.
I also feel Bryce was set upon by the group and in particular bec and because she is so manipulating she bullied him and he came out fighting.
If the group turned against you after following bec's manipulation, would you not come out fighting .
When you are bullied you become aggressive. I think this is what happened to Bryce.
With bec, Sam, Jake, Patrick all on his back is it no wonder he was aggressive, even the ' experts' did not stop bec's narcissistic behaviour and the weaker group all followed like sheep.

hey, just out of curiosity: how is Bec manipulative if the gift bit was true? Bec is A class bitch BUT she went for him because essentially she was speaking the truth and Bryce was hitting on her!!!

Peter Bowler

11 April 2021 9:17 pm

I agree with, I don't think he is that bad of a guy. He probably shouldn't have spoken out to Sam when he was on the couch. I think that moment put a target on his back. From then on I would have behaved the same way. When Bec brought up the girl on the outside and the gift, it should have ended there. But, she kept pushing that button anytime when Bryce was around. The group wanted Mel to join them, but why? She knew they would bring it up to her, so she left them alone and I don't blame her. I'm very disappointed with the experts, every week they put the total blame of the toxicity of the group on him, and they were the instigators. Belinda mention the she wanted to commend on Bryce,s apology but she knew the group would tear her apart. The is the high school bulling the Bryce talked about, everyone excluding Bryce, is intimidated by Bec. On the couch, Bryce should have told Alana that what she said was taken out on context, and although he has already explained that to the group, they won't let up. Bec is screwing, sadly figuratively, with Jake for some odd reason. Bryce and Melissa have a few more producer induced hiccups that are coming, but I'll bet they are one only a few couples that will survive.

A dog over a relationship, just a easy way out…. writing LEAVE wasn't working so a dog above trying to fix a relationship…. Jake deserves somebody better anyways.

I can't wait to watch the next episode, when will it be available ? I'm in the UK x

When can I watch the next episode ?

Can Belinda wear normal pants/shorts it's highly annoying or get a tan for cripes sakes with those super pale legs out.

I do agree with Belinda's choice of clothing BUT Nothing wrong with pale skin. Personally, I'm proud of my paleness. The tan look is so over done and is quite common. Pale skin is classic beauty and far more interesting! Porcelain over tan any day!

I always hate the boys dates episode usually embarrassing. Belinda and Patricks was particularly cringeworthy. I would have dug my own hole to sink into.

Those two act like teenagers, not grown adults.

Claire Duffy

29 October 2021 5:46 am

Awe nothing wrong with that. At least they are happy! I love how much Belinda has grown a a woman she needed this experiment and Patrick is pretty much the male version of her. They have come so far from that cringeworthy bath on their honeymoon haha when he was clapping her feet together !! Or intimacy week when he was rubbing her knees lol

It troubles me that Georgia describes her life as glamorous. Hello, girl, you can't put lipstick on a pig,

This girl is pretty full of herself and she's in for a mess of problems with her husband if they stay together.

BEC is the biggest, most manipulative bitch, self obsessed individual I have ever seen on any show! She is awful. Has such a high opinion of herself . Cold hearted cow – Jake tries to kiss her and she always pulls away. As you have all gathered – I am no fan of BEC at all! Run Jake Run

Aimee Johns

5 May 2021 12:01 am

I've been hoping that in the commitment ceremonies John will tell Jake and Bec that the only way to save their relationship is for her to stop being a c*nt

I am disappointed that John and the other experts never ever tell Bec the truth and show her her part in the whole thing with Bryce… She is such a manipulator.

Joanne Brown

19 July 2021 8:39 pm

Bryce, you lying sack of shit.

As a dog lover myself, I know how hard it is when your pet is ill. BUT you need Support as well and if there was any spark for Jake at all Becca would have asked Jake to go with her. Doubt that she will return.

Better Homes And Gardens Episodes July 2021


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