
What Is The Meaning Of My Secret Garden By Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode 'A Broken Frame' 1982

Song Lyrics by Album

Depeche Mode

Depeche Mode

Leave In Silence

author: Martin Gore

I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop


Reached our natural conclusion

Outlived the illusion

I hate being in these situations

That call for diplomatic relations

If I only knew the answer

Or I thought we had a chance

Or I could stop this

I would stop this thing

From spreading like a cancer


What can I say

I don't want to play anymore

What can I say

I'm heading for the door

I can't stand this emotional violence

Leave in silence

Leave in silence


We've been running around in circles all year

Doing this and that and getting nowhere

This will be the last time

I think I said that last time


If I only had a potion

Some magical lotion

That could stop this

I would set the wheels in motion

My Secret Garden

author: Martin Gore

My secret garden's not so secret anymore

Run from the house holding my head in my hands

Feeling dejected, feeling like a child might feel

It all seems so absurd

That this should have occurred

My very only secret

And I had to go and leak it!

My secret garden's not so secret anymore!


No, my secret garden's not so secret anymore!

Run through the fields, down to the edge of the water

Can't stay long, here comes the reason why -

She'll catch me if she can,

Take me by the hand

I'll have to keep on running

And I just can't see the fun in

My secret garden not being secret anymore!


It used to be so easy

On days such as these she'd

Search and search for hours

In among the flowers

I loved it! - I loved her!

Play the fool, act so cruel - I loved it!

Read her book, take a look - I loved her!


It all seems so absurd

That this should have occurred

My very only secret

And I had to go and leak it!

My secret garden's not so secret anymore!


author: Martin Gore

When the site was found

We laid the foundations down

It didn't take long before

They came back tumbling down

Don't build at night

You need a little light

How else are you going to see

What it is going to be like


So we picked up our tools

And we worked in the morning light

With the last stone placed

Wasn't it a wonderful site

But it fell back down

And scattered all around

Anything passes

When you need glasses


My monument

It feel down

My monument

It feel down


Work all of my days for this kind of praise

It fell down

Work all of my days

It fell down

Nothing To Fear

author: Martin Gore


Depeche Mode

See You

author: Martin Gore

All I want to do is see you again

Is that too much to ask for

I just want to see your sweet smile

Smiled the way it was before

Well I'll try not to hold you

And I'll try not to kiss you

And I won't even touch you


All I want to do is see you

Don't you know that it's true

I remember the days when we walked through the woods

We'd sit on a bench for a while

I treasure the way we used to laugh and play

And look in each others eyes

You can keep me at a distance if you don't trust my resistance

But I swear I won't touch you


Well I know five years is a long time and that times change

But I think that you'll find people are basically the same


If the water's still flowing we can go for a swim

And do the things we used to do

And if I'm reluctant you can pull me in

We can relive our youth


But we'll just stay friendly like sister and brother

Though I think I still love you


author: Martin Gore

Now hear this my friends

I'll never be the same again

Going to lock myself in a cold black room

Going to shadow myself in a veil of gloom

I will function, operate

I will be a satellite of hate


Driven to this point by a chain of events

Each one pushed me nearer the edge

Going to send my message through to you

You'll receive the signal too

I will function, operate

I will be a satellite of hate


Higher, Higher


Disillusioned - I was disenchanted

Forgot the love that had been implanted

Heard the lies and I felt the cold

It broke my heart and I lost control

Now I'm a satellite of a free state

I'm a satellite of hate

Depeche Mode

The Meaning Of Love

author: Martin Gore

I've read more than a hundred books

Seeing love mentioned many thousand times

But despite all the places I've looked

It's still no clearer

I'm still no nearer

The meaning of love


Noted down all my observations

Spent an evening watching television

Still I couldn't say with precision

Know it's a feeling and it comes from above

But what's the meaning

The meaning of love

(tell me)


From the notes that I've made so far

Love seems something like wanting a scar

Well I could be wrong

I'm just not sure you see

I've never been in love before


Next I asked several friends of mine

If they could spare a few minutes of their time

Their looks suggested that I've lost my mind

Tell me the answer

My Lord high above

Tell me the meaning

The meaning of love


From the notes that I've made so far

Love seems something like wanting a scar

Well I could be wrong

I'm just not sure you see

I've never been in love before


The meaning of love

(tell me)

Tell me the meaning of love

(tell me)

A Photograph Of You

author: Martin Gore

What good is a photograph of you

Everytime I look at it

It makes me feel blue


What use is a souvenir

Of something we once had

When all it ever does is

Make me feel bad


I wish I could tear it up

But then again I haven't the guts

I wish I could throw it on the fire

I wish I could

But to say I would

I'd be a liar


What good is a colour print

Of a little baby doll

When just one little glance

Is enough to make me feel dull


I hoped I would misplace it

But then I take such good care of it

I wish it would disappear

I say I wish

But then I relish

It being here

Shouldn't Have Done That

author: Martin Gore

Plans made in the nursery

Can change the course of history

Remember that


Mummy's annoyed, says go and play

Don't show your face

Stay away all day

Shouldn't have done that


A small boy and his infantry

Marching around so naturally

Shouldn't have done that


Grows up and goes to school

Such a nice boy

Obeys all the rules

Mummy's proud of that


Leaves school to follow his ambition

Knows what he wants

To be a politician

Shouldn't have done that!

The Sun And The Rainfall

author: Martin Gore

Someone will call

Something will fall

And smash on the floor

Without reading the text

Know what comes next

Seen it before

And it's painful


Things must change

We must rearrange them

Or we'll have to estrange them

All that I'm saying

A game's not worth playing

Over and over again


You're the one I like best

You retain my interest

You're the only one

If it wasn't for you

Don't know what I'd do

Unpredictable like the sun

And the rainfall


Depeche Mode

Now, This Is Fun

single: "See You" / author: Martin Gore

Here speaks the voice of reason

It's talking to me

Loud and clearly

And obviously

It's something to say


Here comes another sentence

It is relentless

It tries my patience

But nevertheless

It's for our concern


We can't see the benefits

So we'll ignore it

Or disobey it

And then we'll say that

This is fun


This is real fun

This is fun

Depeche Mode

Oberkorn (It's A Small Town)

single: "The Meaning Of Love" / author: Martin Gore



What Is The Meaning Of My Secret Garden By Depeche Mode


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