The RPG-based multiplayer fantasy MMORPG is so attractive that even the most advanced screenwriter of a Hollywood blockbuster will easily envy it, so it is not surprising that its popularity is off the charts.

The storyline consists of an explosive mixture based on ancient myths. While playing, many pay attention to the presence of dungeons in the game. It is about them today - dungeons in the game Tera.

I will say right away that dungeons in Tera are very important and are one of the important key features gameplay... Without them, it is quite difficult to stay in the top positions of the top.

Even if you do not strive to reach such heights, going to dungeons is still important - without them, full-fledged character development is impossible, plus they bring valuable rewards and add experience.

I will tell you all the features of Thera dungeons, you will learn their types and key features.

In this article, you will learn:


Dungeons on English language mean dungeons. Many online games have such locations for passing. The Tera dungeons are filled with tons of monsters that you'll have to fight.

In the end, you will face a difficult fight with the boss. During your trips to dungeons, you will receive unique recipes, potions, equipment, game currency and many other useful items.


The types of dungeons differ from the number of players in the game. Dungeons Tera are as follows:

  1. Raid - passing guilds by groups of top users, designed for 7, 10, 20 players.
  2. Solo is a solo playthrough.
  3. Group - passage in a group of five players.

Difficulty levels

The value of the rewards received for completing them depends on the levels of the dungeons.

With an easy dungeon level, you will receive consolation bonuses: basic items and coins.

At an average level of completion - the usual final reward for battles with monsters.

At a difficult level - a huge number of valuable prizes, because here there is a battle with the boss himself and the strongest monsters.

Raid and group dungeons can have all difficulty levels at the same time, so experienced gamers take part in them. For beginners, the ideal dungeon hike is solo.

Where and how to go?

Since the dungeons in Tera are divided by difficulty levels, I will give you recommendations for visiting these "attractions" of the game.

  1. Ominous Mansion - come here after reaching level 26 (alone or in a group). Dungeon gives items of 26-34 levels.
  2. The Karash Dungeon is great at the beginning of a solo walkthrough.
  3. Dungeon Locke's Bastion - a group of five or solo, we go after level 20. Gives the character in-game currency, items of equipment, raw materials, jewelry.
  4. Tomb of the Necromancer - we go from level 40 (groups, solo).
  5. The cultists' refuge dungeon - all options for passing, available from level 35.
  6. Dungeon Saravash's Lair - you can walk from level 32, only in group.
  7. Akasha's hideout is a group dungeon after level 18.
  8. Dungeon Heavenly Garden of Saleron - medium loot and difficulty level, available for groups from level 53.
  9. Dungeon Golden Labyrinth - solo or group passage by a team of five people. You can walk from level 48.
  10. Kelsaik's nest - difficult, there is a boss fight, available from level 59.
  11. Dungeon Ebony Tower - access is similar to the previous dungeon, group or solo.
  12. Dungeon Labyrinth of Terror - only for team passage, you can walk after reaching level 58.
  13. Abode of Manaya - passage within the framework of the plot in groups. Available from level 60.
  14. Dungeon Argon Halls - similar to Manaya's Abode.
  15. Dungeon Balder's Temple - solo or as a group, starting from level 60.
  16. Butcher's Catacombs - for the passage of a group of five players, bring a box with symbols, available from level 64.
  17. Dungeon Arsenal Sabeks - team, bonuses in the form of symbols, armor, jewelry. We go to the dungeon from level 62.

Starting from level 65, access to even more advanced dungeons opens, but unlike the above, they have a passage limit (maximum - three times a day).

Top dungeons Tera

  1. Dungeon Cruiser Aspiration is a team playthrough. Grants many space shards, punishing stones, chests with unique ingredients, valuable components for sets, a belt of rage, a brooch of purification, and much, much more. It is allowed to pass once a day
  2. Dungeon Deep Temple - team, bonuses in the form of unique jewelry, space fragments. Visits 1-2 times a day, depending on the level of difficulty.
  3. Chronoplane - similar to Aspiration Cruiser, hard.
  4. Dungeon Ship Kelivan - passage at any difficulty level, brings items of equipment, scrolls, ingredients.
  5. Dungeon Channels - available twice, walkthrough for groups of three players.
  6. Spire of Fear - consists of several floors of passage (up to fifteen), can bring everything that is mined in the above dungeons.
  7. Dungeon Isle of the Dead - you can walk once a day, the most popular dungeon, bringing resources to the most advanced equipment in the game Thera.

As you have seen, going to the dungeons in Tera is not only important, but also necessary, plus - you cannot do without the help of friends, so do not forget to invite them.

You can also become the leader of a dungeon crawling group and create it yourself. What can a leader do? He adjusts the distribution of all dropped bonuses.

Correctly worked out tactics, experience and, of course, practice are important here for success. Go on such trips as often as possible and the success of the passage is guaranteed to you!

If you are interested in other features of the online game, do not forget to subscribe to the blog news. Successful trophies and trips, bye everyone!

Good day everyone. The Gamebizclub team is on the air, and we continue to talk about the online game TERA. A few days ago you could have read ours (if you haven't read it yet, be sure to do it - infa is very useful), and today we are talking about dungeons in TERA.

Let's say right away that you can't do without them - this is one of the key features of the game that all top players use to stay on top. But even without being a top player, you need to go to dungeons, get experience and rewards, and fully develop your character - you cannot do without it. In this article, you will find all useful information by dungeons and the corresponding game requirements.

In this article, you will learn:

A bit of theory

Dungeon is translated from English as a dungeon. In games, as a rule, these are special locations in the form of caves, battlefields, abandoned cities and other territories, which can be passed either independently or in a group with other players.

In the dungeon you will find a fight with a large number of monsters, and at the end there will be the most powerful boss who must be defeated. In the process of passing, for the destruction of monsters and bosses, you will receive rewards in the form of gold, items of equipment, recipes, potions and other useful things.

What's in the game?

In Tera, dungeons can be divided into several types depending on the number of players for which they are designed:

  • Solo - you can go alone. It is a stripped-down version of the dungeon for several people.
  • Group - a dungeon for a group of five people.
  • Raid - designed for 7, 10 or 20 players. They are passed by groups of top players from one or several guilds.

Dungeons have different difficulty levels, on which the reward for passing depends:

  • The light version is designed to familiarize you with the gameplay. Here you will only receive a consolation prize in the form of coins and basic items.
  • At the average difficulty level, you will encounter ordinary monsters and there will be no serious problems with the passage. On the other hand, the final reward is also common.
  • In difficult dungeons, you will face strong monsters and bosses who will use skills and abilities. In difficult dungeons, the whole group often "falls", so only experienced players are recommended to go through them. After leaving the dungeon, the number of finds and loot will greatly delight you.

One dungeon can have all three difficulty options at once. This only applies to group and raid donjons, while solo is always - easy version... But this will only become relevant at level 65, when your character reaches the cap (ceiling).

The gameplay in dungeons before the cap is designed to help you pump and develop tactics when meeting bosses (their counterparts will be waiting for you after level 65).

Where to go?

1. Karasha - introductory level 10 dungeon for solo passage.

2. Bastion Loka - available from level 20. There are two options: for one person and for a group of five. In the process, you will receive equipment, jewelry, raw materials and money.

3. You can go to the Evil Mansion after your hero reaches level 26. You can go alone or in a group with other players. After exiting the dungeon, your inventory will be replenished with items at levels 26-34.

4. Saravash's lair becomes available for characters of 32-36 levels, while you can go only in a group.

5. Go to the Cultist Shelter after the hero reaches level 35. Pass alone or with friends - it's up to you, all options are available. Loot corresponds to the average level of the hideout.

6. Tomb of the Necromancer - the dungeon is available after reaching level 41. You can go in a group or alone.

7. Golden Labyrinth - if you got 48 leveled, go here. Two modes - a team of 5 people and one player. The reward for passing is similar to the previous ones.

8. Heavenly Garden of Saleron - available if level 53 is reached. One mode for a group of players. Average level difficulty, medium loot.

9. Akasha's hideout for a group of characters 48-54 leveled.

10. The Labyrinth of Terror can be completed by players who have pumped to level 58. Only the team option is available, and the reward for completing it is already better than in previous dungeons.

11. The Ebony Tower is available after the hero reaches level 58. Solo and group modes.

12. You can go to Kelsaik's Nest from level 59, but it is better to level up to 60 first. There is only one boss, but it is very difficult to defeat him. Loot is standard.

13. Temple of Balder - from 60 leveled for both solo and team passage. Players often go here alone, because in this mode you can get Goldfinger tokens, which are needed to buy laundry.

14. Argonne Halls are intended for a group of characters from 60 levels.

15. Manaya's abode only for a group of heroes from level 60. It must be completed within the storyline. From the drop - alkagest, the keeper of crystals, raw materials and crystals into weapons and armor.

16. Arsenal Sabeks will be available from level 62 for team play. It drops jewelry, armor, and symbols on closed skill glyphs.

17. Butcher's Catacombs - for level 64 players in a group of 5. Boxes with symbols are obtained here.

In these locations, players earn experience and currency, develop heroes and "knock out" good equipment... And after reaching level 65, access to new dungeons opens, in which there is a limit on the number of attempts per day. Thus, you will not be able to visit them all the time for one day, but you will be able to visit a maximum of 1-3 times a day.

Top dungeons

1. The Abyssal Temple is available on medium and hard difficulty for teams only. Here there is a chance to get time jewelry and space fragments, for which you can buy jewelry. Standard can be completed once a day, difficult - twice.

2. Cruiser Aspiration - there is only a hard mode. Held with the team. A successful hike is very mechanics-based, so be sure to check it out. From this dungeon you can take out a lot of space fragments, a belt from the Clarity equipment (this is one of the top sets at the moment), punishing stones (you can buy equipment and glyphs on them), chests with ingredients, raw materials, components for the Kairak set (the most powerful gear) , a gold cleansing brooch and more. You can visit the Cruiser only once per day.

3. Channels are for a group of three. Here there is a chance to get Heresy set equipment, raw materials, enchantments, space shards, brooches, as well as enigma scrolls, which are used to roll stats. You can go here twice a day.

4. Kelivan's ship is the only dungeon that can be completed at easy, medium and high difficulty levels. On an easy one, a set of Heresies falls, on an average one gets Kelivan's armor and weapons, on a hard one - Nightmare Kelivan's jewelry. Ingredients for Kairak, raw materials, money, fixers, scrolls and brooches are knocked out in all three varieties. Difficult Ship is available once a day, other modes are available twice.

5. Chronoplane is a difficult dungeon that can be completed on average and difficult levels... Loot from the passage is the same as from the Cruiser. For both modes, the limit is once a day.

6. Isle of the Dead - the most popular at the moment, since here you can knock out resources for the most powerful equipment (the hardmod of this dungeon is one of the two dungeons where Bjoerden's hearts fall - the rarest component). The usual type of Island is very different in tactics from the difficult one. One attempt is given per day.

7. Spire of Fear - subdivided into upper (16-22) and lower (1-15) floors. Of the rewards - everything in the other dungeons, plus Bjoerden's heart (14) and Goldfinger tokens. On the 15th floor, you need to knock out a pass to the upper levels. You can go 1 time per day.

Before you go and fight in the dungeon, we advise you to gather friends or join a group of characters for a joint trip. To do this, you can use the chat, or create your own group (in this case, you will become a leader).

Another option is to queue up in the dungeon using the icon on the control panel. Only the leader of the team can create a raid (he will have a medal icon under his life bar). To do this, you need to press the button "B" (English) and in the window that appears, click on "collect the raid".

The leader of the group or raid should adjust the distribution of the dropped items. Just click on the medal symbol under your HP, select "Customize Loot" and set the mode to which all party members agree.

This is the main thing to know about the dungeons in Tera. Then only practice, hiking and working out interaction with friends and guilds - this is the only way to successfully complete the dungeons. See you soon. Bye Bye.

Passage of dungeons

In the dungeons of Tera online, you can always quickly level up and get a generous reward in the form of various things (gear, weapons, glyphs, money, unique items, pets). In order to go to Dungeon, you do not need to collect a group, there are dungeons with provided modes of single passage. If you go with your comrades, then keep in mind the following - if two or more players are above the declared level by +5 or more (meaning above the dungeon level), the already small chance that a rare item will drop out will decrease significantly. This is one of the main rules for selecting a group. Also, at least one heal should be taken in the group and a tank must be present (Knight, Berserker).

All Dungeons on the map of Tera

available from level 10 - an educational dungeon, which you will enter on a story quest "Dark Revelations"... The dungeon is designed for 1 person and is completed in a few minutes. You will not find anything valuable here, except for the quest reward and experience.

available from level 20 - the first dungeon that gets in your way of pumping. It is quite simple and does not cause any difficulties even for beginners. You can enter it from lvl 20, the recommended level is 22. Even if you play alone, or you don't find a group for passing, which is vryatli, here you can show what you are capable of in a solo game, since there are 2 levels of passage - 1 player and 5 player raid.

available from level 26 - this dungeon is located in the forests of Poporia captured by the Vampires, and the Mansion itself is their refuge, where, in addition to the above, it is full of all other wickedness that you will have to face during the story quests.

Dungeon is designed for a group of 5 people in normal mode, or a single passage and "walked in one breath" in 15-20 minutes.

available from level 35 - Safely disguised as an old cathedral, the lair of the Cultists. Here, in the sands of Val-Aurem, the servants of Lok (the ancient god) try to resurrect their slain warriors, using the power of the Ancient Giant, which they have yet to find. Your task is not to prevent the ancient god from fulfilling his plans. There are 2 modes of passage in this dungeon: for a group of 5 people and solo.

available from level 41 - the storyline associated with this dungeon leads to Allemantheia ( capital of the Elves), where you will meet with Fraya - Queen of the High Elves. She will tell you that the evil god Thulsa has captured her lover - Kaidun and keeps him in the depths of the Secret Laboratory using a dark spell. You will go there immediately and free Kaidun

available from level 48 - here you will continue storyline"Allemanthea" associated with the past dungeon. The god Thulsa, already known to you, turned into a sorcerer Malhai and stole the Core - the power of the High Elves. Goddess Akasha ( saratnik of Tulsa) wants to take over the power of the Core and your task is to stop it by all means. In this you will be helped by the elves, led by Fraya, who will go with you to Ostgarat.

available from level 53 - Heavenly Garden is one of the most beautiful dungeons in Tera online. Here you will meet the god Saleron, who has been imprisoned in the Crypt of the Damned for many centuries. Having talked to him, he will give you the opportunity to show yourself - to pass his tests. If you cope with his task, you can get valuable rewards, both in the dungeon itself and in the city nearby, by exchanging test badges for weapons and armor.

available from level 60 - I think this is the first dungeon that a player who has reached level 60 needs to go to. The difficulty level of this dungeon is medium, there are two modes of passage - group and solo. Of the things here very often drop out: weapons and armor of the Oculus ( 13 shooting range) and Goldfinger tokens ( х80 tokens are exchanged for linen). After completing this dungeon 2-4 times, you can put on a full set of Oculus and get some good jewelry.

available from level 60 - one of three dungeons ( "Three", "3-5-7"), which Tera players visit regularly. The difficulty level of this dungeon is very low, it is designed for only three characters, and if you wish, you can go through it alone. Not bad jewelry drops here, Molded tokens, signs of Bloodshed and a set of Stronghold ( tier 14).

available from level 60 - a fairly simple dungeon with three bosses. This instance, like the Canals and Kezela Gorge, is included in the "Troika", which indicates its frequent attendance. The average travel time is only 15 minutes in a group of five. Here all the same Oplot set, Cast tokens, signs of Bloodshed, as well as good jewelry fall out. Dungeon removed from the world of Tera
available from level 65 - one of the most difficult dungeons at the moment. Difficulties in passing are caused by the skills of the bosses, which are very quick to cast and practically one-shot underdressed players. Another feature of the dungeon is that it is designed to be completed by any composition, for example, 3 DD.


Loka Bastion is the first dungeon you will encounter in TERA online... The dungeon is available for both solo and in a group of 2-5 people. Dungeon group matchmaking is available from level 20 to level 24 in the dungeon matchmaking interface. Sooner or later, you can enter the dungeon through the portal.


I will not describe ENT, read the quests, which, by the way, are translated and very exciting. So it's worth noting that this dungeon is the main place to get items and prepare for the Evil Mansion dungeon. If you have no experience playing TERA, I advise you to go in a group of: Priest / Mystic, Lancer, 1 mile DD (Assassin / Berserker / Warrior *), and 2 RDD (Mage / Archer). You will feel very confident if you have already collected your first Avatar weapon "Isren", sharpened at +9. If you are an experienced player, you can complete this dungeon more efficiently by taking only 1 player with you.

Use the experience scroll in the dungeon to speed up the character leveling. For 2-3 visits, you will receive level 26 and collect the next Avatar weapon "Elina".

Dungeon entrance

You can enter the dungeon through the group selection interface. When a group is selected for you, a dialogue will open asking you to enter the dungeon. If the answer is yes, you will be teleported to the dungeon, otherwise you will have to enter on your own.

You can log in on your own through the portal, which is located in the location "Forests of Oblivion", sublocation "Animal Valley":


The order of progress through the dungeon is shown on the map. The first boss is waiting for you in room 1.

It's simple enough. The tactics are simple - the tank will aggro, heal mainly heals the tank, DDs pour damage into the back, another thing, it is not easy to determine where the boss's back is, but if you pay attention to who the boss is hitting, everything will fall into place. If possible, keep poisoning on the boss all the time.

After the kill, be sure to visit room "3", if you do not want its visitors to come to you with "claims" during the battle with the final boss.

Final boss:

The tactics are standard. Train yourself to follow the boss animation. If he abruptly ran back and turned around, he will jump to the place where he just was. Those who get in the way will be knocked down and take a decent amount of damage. With the proper skill and the number of life bubbles, it is easily killed in 2 DD.

Continue running into Loka's Bastion until you reach level 26, then proceed to the Evil Mansion dungeon.

I also advise you to turn in quests after each passage of the dungeon. Their description will be added later in this guide.